WEEK TWELVE - Week of May 12 - aaaand now we have a Budha Baby in there

[East Texas Physician’s Alliance CST/GLFU]
Dear zits that keep forming on my back..... Really, you are NOT necessary! I already feel pretty fat and ugly, so when you form, it's really just overkill. I would appreciate it if you would find some pencil thin model to inhabit and leave me alone! Thanks! Still have a dull non-stop morning sickness, and I have an insatiable craving for all things potatoes. Too bad I get sick to my stomach after I ingest said potatoe products!

The doc couldn't find the h/b on doppler at today's appointment, but luckily he found it on the u/s! That was a stressful few minutes while they moved me from one room to the other to check. Apparently that's kinda normal at 11 weeks. It took him a minute to find it on the u/s as well, but when he did, DH and I both said at the same time, "OMG, it's a little Buddha". Our Gummy Bear has turned into looking like a Buddha now...or an alien, depending on which view you see. I had a pap today as well, and he noticed a cervical polyp. Since they don't disappear on their own, he had to remove it. Poor David, his second experience now with "the stirrups". I figure it's excellent preparation for delivery day though! I'm actually down a pound since my first appointment. Wow, I never envisioned losing weight when I got PG!

After the appontment, David and I drove over to the office and told work about the pregnancy. They seemed to take it well, but this will definitely mean that we'll both need new positions, ones that don't have us heading out every Monday morning and getting home Friday nights. Apparently with daycares these days, if you drop the critter off on Monday morning, they expect you to pick them up on Monday night, not Friday night when you get back in to town. Le sigh! Oh the many changes that our lives will go through in preparation for Buddha Baby.