WEEK FOURTEEN - Week of May 26 - Baby's first Hawaiian excursion

BabyG says "Aloha"!!!!! S/he started the day yesterday watching the sunrise. Then we went snorkeling in the afternoon before finally spending the sunset together. Baby's having a blast! (And yes, MamaG realizes that most of the belly you're seeing in this shot is actually pastries and ice cream and not really baby, but hey, it's cute in theory)

The vacation has been wonderful. I handled the 90 hour flight pretty well, and despite still having sporadic m/s and lack of energy, we're still able to do a good amount of touring. Of all of the amazing places we *could* be eating at, Subway is my meal of choice! Of course, my very first meal on the island was actually, what else.....a grilled cheese sandwich. At least this one came with an awesome view of the ocean and the hotel pool.