WEEK THIRTY-ONE - Week of September 21 - "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

[Richmond Pediatric GL]
I *think* we may finally have a name!
I posted a poll to my friends, and here are the results:
Katherine Rachel A [KRA] 8.3%
Katerina Rachel A [KRA] 8.3%
Katherine Elizabeth A [KEA] 25.0%
Katerina Elizabeth A [KEA] 16.7%
Katherine Meredith A [KMA] 0.0%
Katerina Meredith A [KMA] 16.7%
Rachel Elizabeth A [REA] 16.7%
I then sent the email to family and former coworkers, and Katherine Elizabeth started winning there too. Just to get final confirmation, I had my friend “color analyze” them for me. She has synesthesia, which means she sees letters as colors. Here’s what she had to say:
They are mostly the same. Katerina ends with red where Katherine has blue.They both already have an a and an e... I guess that if I had to choose, I'd take the e... a bit more grounded.
Katherine: This is a nice Orange/Red name (if you look at my bio, you'll see they there are so many orange/red names ... jkmnprq are all orange - orange/red)

Elizabeth is mostly blue where Rachel is another orange/red name
Your last name is a Red name.
So I'd go with Elizabeth, because if I think about it Katherine and Rachel clash....Where Elizabeth is a nice neutral Blue. Think of my e's as dark blue jeans, they go with any top.

There you have it, we have a name….unless we meet her and decide she doesn't look like a Katherine Elizabeth after all. ;-)

September 23
I got a call from my boss today. It appears that if I refuse to resume 100% travel when I return from maternity leave that I will no longer be employed. That stinks! What should be the most joyous time in my life, and they are firing me for it. Guess they don’t realize exactly how much Baby Girl is still worth it! Daddy’s been getting mixed signals about his employment status too, but I’m trying to not get too upset about it. The Lord will provide for us, and I just need to have faith in Him that everything will work out for the best. It’s still a pretty crappy thing for a company to do to one of their better employees though!

September 26
Things are still going well. I am only up eight pounds in the entire pregnancy, and I've had little to no complications, and she's measuring right on target! YAY!