Day 69: Feb 2 - My little pink Gumby

In honor of Groundhog's Day, Katie and I chilled out at home all day today! ;-)

When Daddy came to check on her in the morning, he cracked up laughing and called her a pink gumby. Naturallly I had to take a picture of it....for the blog!

I am absolutely thrilled that she slept for five hours last night followed by 3.5 more hours before waking up and cooing for 20 minutes before wanting her next feeding. How awesome would it be to have that happen EVERY night?!

Day 68: Feb 1 - It's Superbowl Sunday!!!

Instead of watching Pre-game festivities that afternoon, Katie and I went to a playdate. There were lots of other babies to roll around on the floor with, and we even had some baby swapping going on. When we got home from our playdate, we watched the first half of the Superbowl with Daddy. I made it to halftime, where I watched the Kitty Halftime Show on Animal Planet, and then I headed up to crash in bed. I woke up a few times to hear Daddy trying to get Katie to stop crying, but since he never came into the room to get me, I laid there and enjoyed my eight hours of sleep!!

Day 67: Jan 31 - Dancin' with Daddy

While Daddy was taking Katie downstairs, he tripped on Packer, who likes to get under your feet as you’re walking, and he banged Katie’s head into the corner of the wall pretty hard. She screamed for a few minutes, but I was able to get her calmed back down. We called the pediatrician for advice, and they gave us some symptoms to look for. We watched her closely the rest of the day, and she seems to be OK.

At noon, we took Daddy to the cultural center to see Littleland play. He’s the musician from the music playdates on Thursdays. Daddy wasn’t the only Dad there, and got in some bonding time with one of the neighbor dads. He and Katie seemed to enjoy swaying to the music.



Day 66: Jan 30 - A four diaper excursion!

For lunch, Katie and I met up with some coworkers. It was nice to see them again and catch up on what’s been going on! Before heading home, we decided to stop at the mall and do some walking around and shopping. We were about to head back to the car when Katie started fussing. I figured it was time for a diaper change, but without any public bathrooms handy, we ducked into the dressing room at Ann Taylor. As I was removing the pee diaper, what appeared to be brown silly putty started oozing out. Yikes!!! I managed to catch it with the first diaper, and grabbed some wet wipes to clean up the rest. No sooner had I gotten it cleaned up and started putting on the second diaper, but she started again! Time to pull that diaper off and get another clean one! Too bad that wasn’t the end of the story. Oh no, once the third diaper was on, she decided she’d have one last hurrah! Unfortunately, Mommy didn’t have a very good hold on the legs, so it went from diaper, to left foot, to right shin to left knee and she kicked and continued to spread things from one leg back to the other. Four diapers and 10 wet wipes later, we were able to emerge from the dressing room and scamper out of the store before the sales clerks realized what we had done!

In the video, you can see one of Katie’s favorite pastimes. She loves it when water gets inside of her pacifier! She loves to suck on it and make all kinds of smacking sounds. In hindsight, I now know what other sounds she was working on in the video, since it was taken before the above “incident’. LOL!



Day 65: Jan 29 - We left our Precious Cargo with a stranger!!

Katie had her first experience with a babysitter today! Mom and Daddy had free tickets to go to a hockey game, so Katie stayed with a neighbor down the road. We tried not to fret too much while we were gone, since the babysitter is a pediatric nurse in the hospital Katie was born in. We lasted a whole three hours though before we called it a night. It was nice to get away for a little bit by ourselves and remember what life was like as an unencumbered adult.


Somebody's growing up just way too quick! She was so adorable this morning with her smiles and cooing. I don't think Bob was as impressed though. He just sat on the edge of the bed and glared at her. Apparently her giggles were keeping him awake, and he wasn't to keen on that.

After discovering the adorable girly headbands last night, Katie and I thought it'd be pretty cute to incorporate them in her two month pictures. ;-) I put the band on her, and it started to slide down, which gave her a furrowed brow. I pushed it back, which then stretched her skin out. It was quite comical, as you can see from the pics below.



Day 64: Jan 28 - Time to work off that baby fat

Yay! We finally woke up early enough to make it to the gym play date! Katie was “game on” with her workout togs and sweat band. She got a great exercise program in of kicking legs and flailing arms. She even made some friends while she was there.



Day 61: Jan 25 - It's Daddy time!

I'm soooo exhausted, so I am boycotting being a Mommy and passing the responsibility to Daddy. We did talk him into going back to the consignment sale, since today was halfprice day! After hours of shopping and standing in line yo pay, we walked away with 32 outfits and a sling for $70!

When we got home, I worked an Katie's closet to prepare room for her new stuff. In the process, I found some very girlie headbands. There's a better picture of her, that made me laugh hysterically but she's eating in it, so it's not really public-friendly. Katie was OK with it on [it certainly didn't slow down her appetite], but Bob Cat? Not so much!
If you REALLY want to see the picture in question, click here. Be forewarned, you see a little bit of boobage.

Day 63: Jan 27 - You look MAHVELOUS!!

Today, Katie had to get her two month shots! One oral and two needles to get the five vaccines in her. I knew she was not going to FEEL well, so I figured she could at least LOOK good. Everyone at the doctor's office was very impressed with her pink tutu! My big girl has grown an inch and now weighs 11lbs 13oz.

Day 60: Jan 24 - Making our big escape

I was quite peeved at Daddy yesterday and the day before for his ::cough, cough, unhelpful, cough:: behavior, so Katie and I snuck out of the house and went shopping at a huge consignment sale at the fairgrounds. We got a couple of good bargains, but all it did was just make me even more exhausted than I was before. Sigh!

When we got home, I decided I was done being a Mommy for a bit. Since Daddy hadn't been around :::cough, cough, or helpful, cough:: since last Sunday, then HE was going to do all of the Katie maintenance for the next 24 hours. I made sure I had enough milk for her and then I headed to the bedroom where I holed up [with Bob naturally] and relaxed. I slept for five hours before getting up to pump at 4am and then I was able to get another four hours of sleep in after that. Ahhhh

Day 58: Jan 22 - Daddy's back!!!

Luckily last night went better, so we were energized enough today to go to Java Divine to listen to the Littleland singer again. We even got there on time this week! ;-)

After singing and swaying to the music, we headed back home and had more music time by sitting in the crib watching the mobile go round and round. That was a lot of fun, and gave me time to go through Katie's closet and pull out the clothes that no longer fit her and restock with the next size up. Who told her she was allowed to grow up! I'm already missing my teeny tiny newborn Sweet Girl!

After our bad night, the other night, I got some awesome advice from my friend Lora. It involved holding Katie in a new position and using the exercise ball to bounce. Not only does Katie calm down from it, but I'm developing some wicked awesome leg strength. I taught the position to Daddy so that he could use it in his arsenal of tricks as well.



Day 59: Jan 23 - I bet I can out fuss you!

UGH! She's gone back to hardly sleeping at night! Last night was a rough one again, and today she was quite was I. Daddy wasn't able to help since he had to be holed up in his office all day working, so we don't have many pictures from today. I managed to get this one from the few fleeting moments I had without her in my arms!

Day 57: Jan 21 - Didn't think a human could be this exhausted

Last night did NOT go well. Katie cried and cried and cried for hours, which made Mommy cry and cry and cry for hours. We were both exhausted, but it seemed like nothing I did would soothe her and get her to sleep. She managed two wake up every two hours like clockwork throughout the night too.

Today isn't much of an improvement. When I got out of bed, I noticed several spots where Packer had deposited some furballs. Bob Cat, ever the helpful boy, thought he'd clean it up for me...but eating it! YUCK!

To add insult to injury, a few minutes later Katie peed all over me and the clean sheets and blanket I had *just* made the bed with last night. I put her in her boppy listening to Garth Brooks while I cleaned up. Apparently she's also got some friends in low places.

When I went to take those sheets to the laundry room, what did I find? Sigh, Bob pooped on the floor in front of the washer! I guess it goes nicely with the vomit Packer left me on the bedroom floor and Katie's pee. Will ANY of my kids cut me some slack today?

I thought my woes were over after all of that, but apparently I'm a little slow to learn some lessons. when will i learn??? when will I learn to put a waterproof pad under Katie when I change her diaper on the bed? I JUST got done wrestling the fresh sheets on [from this morning's pee] with a baby strapped on my front and she does it to me again?! Maybe this'll become Daddy's side.

The bright spot of the day [pun intended] was catching Packer in an evil staredown with Packer Junior for who was going to be able to savor the last sliver of sunlight during an afternoon nap.