Day 53: Jan 17 - It's my turn now!

"Can I hold Katie now?"
"No, it's my turn"
"No, you held her last time, it's my turn now"
"Fine, but I get to feed her next"

Apparently Ethan and Ellie like hanging out with their new cousin. ;-) After teaching her how to play Wii and taking turns feeding and burping her, we drove into town to visit a museum.

When we got back, Ellie started doing American Idol on Wii, but Katie was NOT impressed with her singing skillz, or lack thereof, so she fussed quite a bit. Ethan was able to keeep her content on her playmat though and at one point pulled up a pillow so that he could lay and snuggle next to her. Well, that's when he wasn't busy climbing the cat tree.