Day 112: Mar 17 - SHE GIGGLED!!!!!!!!!

Not sure what made Katie so grumpy first thing at school this morning, but she's clearly unhappy in that first picture. She couldn't have been pinched on St. Paddy's day, because I made sure she was dressed in green head to toe.

She was in a MUCH better mood when she got back home at the end of the day though. Maybe it was the adorable hat she worked on at school that perked her up. She also spent the day talking about St. Patricks' day and looking around her classroom for green objects.

In the evening, she got a bath, and in the middle, she let out the most joyous sound I've ever in my whole life heard. She giggled for the first time! I mean an all out giggle. She's been working up to it, and she's been close, but this was a full on, let loose giggle. What a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful sound!

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