Grandma and I took Katie in to the pedi for another weight check. She's up only .5 of an ounce to 7lb 9.5oz, but hey, at least it's forward momentum. She's looking and feeling much better, so the doctor isn't too worried. We just need to concentrate on feeding her often enough. Who-da thunk that my baby would have problems gaining weight! ;-)
I bought some fabric at Joann’s the other day to do my own photo shoot. It did NOT go well, so after I got Katie back to sleep, I booked a professional shoot with the gals from Lux Photography.
I started having second thoughts about the breast pump I bought, so I sent Daddy out tonight to drive 30 minutes to BRU to exchange it. What a sweet man to give in to the whims of a new mother [which appears to be more erratic than a pregnant woman!] Then I made him scurry back home in time to be here for 8:41pm and Katie’s one week birthaversary. ;-)