Day 5: Nov 30 - Yellow is the new black!

Another jaunt off to Rex and then the pediatrican for a billi check. Katie did NOT like this lab tech as well, so she did quite a bit of blood curdling screaming. Her billi level today was 15.1 and her weight maintained at 7lb 8 oz. The doc thinks we may be swinging in the right direction [the levels do an arch, and as the weight gains the billi level goes down]. Unfortunately, he wants us to put her on the blanket another day and have us go back in the next day for another check. Blah!

We headed back home to get her on the blanket as soon as we could so that we can end this whole ordeal as quickly as possible. It continues to take all three of us to take care of her, and I have been dubbed Bessie the Cow! Daddy or Grandma changes her diaper and then brings her in to me to be fed. I feed her [up to 50 minutes sometimes] and by the time that's done and she's been burped, I'm exhausted, so they come in, take her away and let me get a few more bits of sleep, only to start the process over 45 minutes later. I am so sore from my stitches from delivery and from getting used to breastfeeding, so every afternoon I have a melt down of some sort. I knew motherhood would be hard, but I did not know it was going to be this painful!!