Day 184: May 28 - VCUG testing

Yesterday was a looooong day, but we were up bright and early and out the door to head to the hospital on the other side of town for some testing. As a follow up to Katie's UTI, we were sent to get a VCUG done to see if she has urinary reflux, and if so, how bad it is.

She did so well through the ultrasound portion of the exam, giggling at the massage the wand was giving her. The x-ray part, however, was not as pleasant. They inject her with dye and then monitor her with the x-ray machine to see what happens with the flow of urine when she releases it. She did show reflux, so on to a Pediatric Urologist to see what our Plan of Care was.

We left the house without either of us grabbing a pacifier, which we both knew was a critical mistake. David stopped at the CVS beside the hospital to grab one before meeting us inside. It was a good thing, because after pinning Sweet Girl down [it took three adults] and listening to her scream, she definitely needed that new paci for some soothing!!

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