Last night did NOT go well. Katie cried and cried and cried for hours, which made Mommy cry and cry and cry for hours. We were both exhausted, but it seemed like nothing I did would soothe her and get her to sleep. She managed two wake up every two hours like clockwork throughout the night too.
Today isn't much of an improvement. When I got out of bed, I noticed several spots where Packer had deposited some furballs. Bob Cat, ever the helpful boy, thought he'd clean it up for me...but eating it! YUCK!
To add insult to injury, a few minutes later Katie peed all over me and the clean sheets and blanket I had *just* made the bed with last night. I put her in her boppy listening to Garth Brooks while I cleaned up. Apparently she's also got some friends in low places.
When I went to take those sheets to the laundry room, what did I find? Sigh, Bob pooped on the floor in front of the washer! I guess it goes nicely with the vomit Packer left me on the bedroom floor and Katie's pee. Will ANY of my kids cut me some slack today?
I thought my woes were over after all of that, but apparently I'm a little slow to learn some lessons. when will i learn??? when will I learn to put a waterproof pad under Katie when I change her diaper on the bed? I JUST got done wrestling the fresh sheets on [from this morning's pee] with a baby strapped on my front and she does it to me again?! Maybe this'll become Daddy's side.
The bright spot of the day [pun intended] was catching Packer in an evil staredown with Packer Junior for who was going to be able to savor the last sliver of sunlight during an afternoon nap.