Day 301: September 22 - The end of an era

I have pumped my last pump. I just can't take the stress of it. I'm crying at work again because of it. I'm giving up breastfeeding/pumping as of today, and I've cried at my desk most of the day. I told my coworkers to ignore me and just let me cry it out. They're a bunch of supportive women, so they've been awesome. Still not sure it's the right decision to do, but I had to make some sort of decision. My body is exhausted from trying to get milk out, but my heart is so very sad about having to end breastfeeding. I have tried every supplement, medication and trick there is to try and keep my supply up, and all they're doing is making me crazy. I've gotten past the fact that I wasn't physically able to make it to my goal of a year. I've gotten past the formula stigma. Now I'm just overwhelmingly sad that I have to quit doing something that's been so much at the forefront of my life for the last ten months and something that I loved so much. I have never been prouder of myself than I am for having accomplished what I have. I'm taking solace that I would probably still be this emotional if I had made it to a full year. It's just hard to let go, and it's hard to realize my precious angel is growing up!!

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