Day 273: August 25 - Bad day for Mommy, good day for Katie

Mommy has now learned what a tension headache is:

Here is the email I sent to my boss and coworkers about my day: Well I don't really remember much since 3pm yesterday. Did I even tell y'all I wasn't coming in today??? The debilitating pain in my head and neck didn't let up after trying to get a massage yesterday so shortly thereafter, we headed to Urgent Care. She said I either had a tension headache or meningitis. They gave me two shots of a muscle relaxer, and that's pretty much where my memory ends. I've been awake on and off this afternoon, and while the pain isn't as strong, it's still pretty bad. I was prescribed two meds that shouldn't be taken while breastfeeding, so I had to do a huge pumping session a bit ago so that I could take them and then pray she doesn't wake up during the night. The Toradol is supposed to be pretty rough on the stomach, which I'm not looking forward to, since all that's in my stomach are crackers. My hope is that these two meds take care of whatever's going on with me and I'll see y'all bright and early tomorrow morning!!!!

Katie's day? More playing and adorableness!

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