Day 265: August 17 - All the adventures one can handle before 8am

Gah! Katie fell out of our bed this morning! First off, she's OK. She normally only comes into our bed after her 4-6am feeding until Daddy gets up at 7:30 [I'm out of bed by 6:30]. She likes to burrow as close to me as humanly possible [envision leech-like qualities], so when I got out, I pushed her next to Daddy so they could continue sleeping. They went through two of his snooze buttons cuddling, but as I was downstairs getting ready, I heard the loudest thump known to man [think sonic boom]. Daddy doesn't know how or when she rolled out from under his arm or how and why she got so far from him, but considering we have a really tall bed, she had quite the descent. I normally put a pillow there when I get up, but for whatever reason, I didn't this morning. I also have a rolling desk on my side of the bed that luckily was pushed far enough away, because she could have done some damage falling on the metal base. UGH! We think she was wanting to snuggle next to Mommy some more [she prefers slamming up against me more than Daddy] and that she kept rolling thinking any moment her last roll would land her safely next to Mommy. She seems OK now, but man that is not a good way to start a Monday!

Her day got progressively more entertaining though, as evident with this Instant Message conversation Daddy and I had:

Mommy: she's good. stilling on the floor next to me with a saw in her mouth

Daddy: funny story. so I decide I am going to shower and then give her a shower.

Daddy: I jump out of the shower, pick her up and start taking off the diaper. Didn't realize that she took a massive poo!!

Mommy: lol

Daddy: Clump onto the foor it went!! and poo all over her legs, my hands, her feet, my feet because I stepped in it.

Her daycare sheet said today: Katie's face was fine today and so was she. She met a new friend today named Dalton. We played with bubbles which she loves. We also talked about the color green and the circle shape.

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