I want to do a follow up to a post from several months ago also. I was working on my blog one night and wrote that I was watching Family Guy. By the time I got back to that entry to publish it, I couldn't remember what specifically I was writing about it, so I just said that it cracked me up. Well we were watching it tonight and lo and behold, that same episode came on, and it triggered why I was writing that entry. It was an episode where Lois is concerned when Stewie’s teeth cause her pain during breastfeeding. Brian suggests that Lois begin weaning Stewie, to which Stewie objects. He becomes desperate for his milk, going as far as sucking off another mother and milking Lois. Later on, Stewie finally does achieve freedom from Lois's breast milk, but Lois, loving her new breast size, forces Stewie to continue the feeding under the guise of "bonding".
Here's a really low quality video, but it's all I could find. If you fast forward to 2:40, you'll see the part that cracked me up the most.