Day 243: July 26 - Shopaholics!

That's the cheapest I've ever gotten out of a consignment sale! $45! and it only took six hours of shopping to find all of those bargains. Most of it was Gymboree stuff for $1-2. Yay for Katie's wardrobe! Also, it was less than 20 minutes to check out, so yes, most of that time was spent shopping. ;-) Katie was such a good sport about it too. She had her chopsticks, and people to watch, and the wagon even made a nice little bed during naptime!

I scoffed at my friend Kathleen's voicemail saying I would probably follow her route and drop it into a heap and walk out an hour and a half in. Nevah, I say, NEVAH! I am too much of a cheap bastard! ;-) I got there around 11-ish and checked out around 4:30ish

I heard all day long how surprised people were that she was sitting there so well. I am so lucky she's a chill baby. There was one little melt down when she didn't want to take her nap but I just pulled her in circles around the clothing area and she finally conked out.

Asleep with a paci in the mouth and another in the hand You can never have too many at bedtime, you know. ;-)

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